Monthly Archive: April 2014

What Does the Color of Diamonds Mean?

color of the diamonds

4 C’s

When experts examine diamonds, they are looking at four different aspects of the gem, called the 4 Cs. These are the color, cut, clarity, and carat of the diamond. The color of diamonds is the element that many laypeople simply do not understand, especially since many people who are looking at two diamonds might not be able to pick up the subtle color differences that an expert can see. The colorless diamonds, also called white diamonds, actually have varying levels of color in them. Diamonds that have a yellowish or brownish tinge to them are not as valuable as the diamonds that are truly clear and colorless.

Color of Diamonds

To determine the color quality of a diamond, the expert needs to look at it before it goes into a piece of jewelry though. When it is in a setting, the metal can actually make a clear diamond look as though it has a slightly different color. When they are in yellow gold, they might appear as though they have a yellow tint although it is just a trick of the light.

Experts will judge the color of the diamond based on a system set up by the Gemological Institute of America, or AGI New York . They have a grading system for diamonds that goes from D to Z. Those diamonds that have a score of D are extremely rare. It means that they are entirely colorless, and these are the most sought after of diamonds. The diamonds that have a Z grade would have a lot of unwanted color in them. Naturally, where the diamond falls in this grade will greatly determine the value of the diamond.

The diamonds rated D, E, and F are colorless. Those rated G, H, I, and J are nearly colorless, and K, L, and M have some color to them.  It is usually slight but yellow. Most of the time, people can’t see the color with the naked eye. Diamonds graded N, O, P, Q, and R have a visible yellow tint to them. S through Z graded diamonds are visible as well, and they are noticeably worse. The diamonds that fall into that category may even take on a brown appearance. You may even be able to see the color difference when the diamond is mounted.

When you are choosing colored diamonds, try to understand What Does Diamond Mean to you? Always inspect the diamond and check the diamond report to see where it falls on this scale.



Gemstone Shapes : What Are the Different Gem Shapes?

gem shapes

Variety of gem shapes are available today. Knowing more about the shapes and options available can make it easy to find what they need and to communicate with jewelers about the type of cut they want for their jewelry. The following are some of the most popular gemstone shapes and cuts, that might be just what you are looking for in your next purchase.



 Round Cut Gems

round cut gems

The round gem is the most popular gemstone shapes, and you can find it in a variety of different types of jewelry, including earrings and rings. Estimates are that nearly 75% of the diamonds sold are round cut diamonds. One of the biggest reasons for this is that the shape of the round gem allows them to reflect more light than the other gem shapes. They sparkle more, and this is very appealing to buyers. Even though round might be the most popular option, it is certainly not the only shape available.

 Princess Cut Gems

princess cut gems

Another popular choice is the princess cut gem shape. This shape has only been around for about thirty-four years, but quite a few people like the look. These are very popular for engagement rings, but they look great in other pieces of jewelry too.

 Oval Cut Gems

oval cut gems

These have some obvious similarities to the round cut diamonds. They reflect light beautifully as well, but one of the reasons people will sometimes choose the oval rather than the round diamond is because it can actually look larger, even if the carat size is the same, simply because of the shape. You could buy a smaller diamond and save money, but it will still look quite large, which might be ideal for those who are on a budget.

 Emerald Cut Gems

emerald cut gems

The emerald cut works for more than just emeralds. Any gem can have this type of cut, and it is actually quite popular with diamonds. The shape creates a very different type of sparkle than you would find with round or oval cut diamonds, and it can provide a very different look and feel than other cuts. However, one of the drawbacks with this cut is that it is easier to see imperfections the gem might have.

These are just four of the different types of gem shapes available today. Whenever buying gems, carefully consider all of the different cut options so you can make an informed buying decision. Click here to know more about different Diamond Cuts.


The Spectrum of Colorful Diamonds

colorful diamonds

Did you know that diamonds aren’t limited to just the colorless variety? While the colorless diamond is the most common, the jewelry market has seen a marked increase in colorful diamonds. Colored gem stones allow you to give your jewelry an added flair. Since each color represents a different mood, you can pick and choose your daily jewelry selections according to the way you feel that morning. Since diamonds represent luxury and opulence, with the emergence of colors of diamonds it has become easier for the upper crust to customize their jewelry without having to settle for one of the lesser known stones on the market.

Rarity of Color Diamonds

Colored diamonds are incredibly rare. They actually only tend to appear once out of every 10,000 diamonds mined. This rarity is what lends the colored diamond its desirability and hefty price tag.

One of the most sought after colored diamonds is the blue diamond. Recently, a 29.6 carat blue diamond was found in the Cullinan mine near Pretoria in South Africa. Some of the larger blue diamonds have actually sold at a price of over $1 million a carat. Out of the 1 in every 10,000 diamonds that yield a colored diamond, blue diamonds are only found in only a fraction of those.

The rarest of all colorful diamonds, though, is the red diamond. There are probably only 20 red diamonds in all of existence. In this case, if you have your heart set on a red stone, you may want to stick with rubies or garnets. Depending on how deep your pockets go, red diamonds may be out of your price range.

Available Colors

There are several different colors available when picking out your diamond, although you might be surprised to learn what actually causes each one.

Nitrogen is one of the most common elements found in diamonds and has the ability to turn them yellow and brown. Brown diamonds have seen a sudden boost in popularity thanks to them being marketed as chocolate diamonds. Blue diamonds are created when boron is introduced to the gems while green diamonds are created by irradiation by alpha particles. Plastic deformation is also responsible for turning diamonds brown, pink, and red. The popular black diamond isn’t actually black. Instead it is just full of dark inclusions that give it the appearance of being black.

The truth is, even though colorful diamonds are incredibly expensive because of their rarity, the reason they have their colors is due to impurities and defects. This is probably the only time a defect will actually make you pay more for an item rather than less. No matter how they got that way, fancy color diamonds are a unique way to add a pop of color to your fine jewelry without having to sacrifice quality. Just be sure to have their quality verified before committing to a purchase. You wouldn’t want to spend tens of thousands on a stone only to find out later that it was one of the lesser quality gems instead.